Remember when there were hardly any mage blogs?
Seems not that long ago that you had to search high and low to find more than a couple...
Well times are changing and while we have seem some of our favourite big name bloggers throw in the towel in the past couple of months, mage blogging is alive and well!
Check out this forum post for a comprehensive list, then why not add your 2c and help out all these worthy mage blogs with a bit of free publicity?
Go on do it! clicky here
4 weeks ago
Larisa posted basically the same list on the EU forums too...
Apparently we US server folk aren't allowed to communicate with then EU folk...
For the record, we've started a comprehensive class blog listing on the WoWenomics resources page for anyone interested. Free to join, no advertisements, etc. All you have to do is stop by and either leave a comment or send us an e-mail to be added. We currently have no mage blogs so we'd be happy to include you, and any others, that are interested in joining. Our resources page is located at:
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